we do data!

statistics, data, and expert witness consulting


We do statistics! datastatisticsonline provides premium statistics consulting.

We let your data sing! Merely using a t-test or a spreadsheet is usually inadequate to get the most out of your data. First, we listen to your needs and what your data is about so that we may understand your project. Then, we uncover the hidden story and translate the statistical findings into useable concepts without the technical jargon.

We are accepted as an expert witness in a court of law, and you can certainly count on us for the skills required to perform statistical analysis. We code in SAS, SPSS, EASYTRIEVE, FORTRAN, and MINITAB. and extract data from any source, such as Oracle, Teradata, DB2, Sybase, Informix, Neteeza, and NOSQL.

When useful, we have performed:

> descriptive statistics
> confidence intervals
> regression analysis
> quality control (qc)

> logistic regression
> causal inference
> surveys & sampling
> data science

datastatisticsonline and understand your data! We have performed statistics for lawyers (expert witness), graduate students (PhD, Master's, undergraduate), automotive companies (survey design and analysis), healthcare (medical device, pharmaceuticals, HMOs, clinical trials, manuscripts), and banks (credit scoring including Kolmogoroff-Smirnoff calculations).

Our specialty is off-site consulting, sparing your resources and saving you travel expenses. However, when you need on-site consulting, we are also available! ... email us! or submit a request today!

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expert witness

regression analysis


phd thesis

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